What is GeneaSpy?

GeneaSpy is an avid genealogist who attends national, regional, and local genealogical conferences, to learn about genealogy.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

San Diego Genealogy Day 2016

 I attended the 2nd. Annual Genealogy Day in San Diego on Saturday, October 15, 2016. This event was held at the San Diego History Center and sponsored by the San Diego Genealogical Society (SDGS). As the Historian for SDGS, it was my duty to take photographs of the event for our newsletter. The keynote for the event was Anne Gillespie Mitchell of Ancestry.com (known as Ancestry Anne). I have met Anne before, and in fact, she was one of my instructors at the Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy earlier this year. Anne is a very lively speaker and down to earth. There were breakout sessions after the keynote with local genealogist and historian speakers, including Randy Seaver, Del Ritchhart, Peter Steelquist, and Jane Kenealy.

 On hand were a handful of exhibitors that included SDGS, Civil War Roundtable, Chula Vista Genealogical Society, and the Immigrant Genealogical Society. The turnout was a good one with many people from different parts of the county attending.


8:00 am: Check-In & Continental Breakfast
8:45-9:45 am: Keynote presentation, Anne Gillespie Mitchell
10:15-11:15 am: Breakout Session #1
11:30-12:30 pm: Breakout Session #2
10:15-2:00 pm: Exhibit Hall Open


·       Anne Gillespie Mitchell Keynote Speaker “How Do I Know I’m Right” and breakout session “Finding & Researching Women”

·       Randy Seaver “Top 10 Free Genealogy Websites”

·       Del Ritchhart “Extra!Extra! Read All About It-Using Newspapers as a Research Resource”

·       Jane Kenealy and Peter Steelquist “San Diego Genealogy Research Resources”


“Beginning Genealogy” by the San Diego Genealogical Society
Website: www.casdgs.org
We are on Facebook at San Diego Genealogical Society

“Resources for Military Research” by the Civil War Round Table & SAR
Civil War Round Table
Sons of the American Revolution, San Diego

“German Research” by the Immigrant Genealogical Society
Website: immigrantgensoc.org
We are on Facebook at Die Pommerschen Leute

“Courthouses to Cemeteries, Planning a Research Trip” by the Chula Vista Genealogical Society

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