What is GeneaSpy?

GeneaSpy is an avid genealogist who attends national, regional, and local genealogical conferences, to learn about genealogy.

Saturday, February 11, 2017

SLIG 2017: Day 5; A Photo Recap

Friday, 27 January 2017

 Last day! Where has the time gone? Today is another full day of classes topped off with the big completion banquet later in the evening. This has truly been an exceptional time learning about Virginia. This was my second institute and now I'm hooked! I still love conferences but, for a deeper learning experience, you need to come to an institute for a week.

I want to acknowledge the SLIG Committee for an outstanding job this year. It would have not been possible without them. They each provided their expertise and went the extra mile. I am pleased to have been asked to stay on the marketing team, helping put with social media and blog posts. It has been fun and a great learning experience.

SLIG Committee:

 1. Peg Ivanyo, Director
 2. Debra Hoffman, Assistant to the Director
 3. Valerie Hansen, Registrar
 4. Sandra Ball, Assistant Registrar
 5. Dan Hull, Logistics/AV Backup (President of UGA)
 6. Bret Petersen AV Issues (Immediate Past-President of UGA)
 7. Mary Jane Saylor, Marketing Coordinator
 8. J. Paul Hawthorne, Marketing Assistant, Social Media
 9. Shelley Lewis, Photographer
10. Sue Petersen, Instructor Hospitality, SLIG Central Sales
11. Jane Van Tour, Student Hospitality
12. Shelley Cowan, UGA Administration Assistant

 Also, a shout out to the Hilton Salt Lake City Center. They did an outstanding job as our host and if anything went wrong or needed attention, they were there to set thing right.

 My class schedule for Friday:

1. Researching Early Virginians - Dunn
2. Reconstructing Relationships with Business Records - Dunn
3. Virginia's Manuscript Records: On Site, On Film, Online, and In Print, Part 1 - Little
4. Virginia's Manuscript Records: On Site, On Film, Online, and In Print, Part 2 - Little

And now for the pictures...

Note: I didn't add a lot of captions.

Lunch in Gena Ortega's class!

Jean Wilcox Hibben getting ready for a musical interlude.

Some of Jean Hibben's instruments. 

Behind the scenes at SLIG Headquarters.

Finishing up awards for the banquet.

Setting up the banquet.

Happy Birthday, DearMYRTLE!!!

Pat Richley-Erickson!

Social before the banquet.

AC Ivory and Denise Levenick.

Owner of History Lines.

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